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Parkway Family Auto Group on Hunter Unmanned Inspection

"There are a lot of benefits you just won’t realize until you see it in action."


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Micah Baalbargen, Fixed Ops Director of Parkway Family Auto Group in Texas, and his team recognize the connection between tires, alignments, service, process and profitability. Hunter Quick Check® unmanned inspection integrated with Reynolds & Reynolds and GoMoto provides that valuable connection.

“It took me from never being able to sell an alignment to always being able to sell an alignment.”

At Texas’ Parkway Family Auto Group, managers recognize the connection between tires, alignments, service, process and profitability.

“Service is key,” says Parkway’s Forbes Durdin. “Car dealers have to be in the tire business to succeed in the service business. The easier you can make the process, the more successful you’re going to be.”

Parkway has been quite successful since taking advantage of the partnership between Reynolds and Reynolds and Hunter’s Quick Check® Drive inspection system. Says one service writer, “I went from about 10 alignments a month to 25 to 30 once the integration happened. I love it.”

Micah Baalbargen appreciates Hunter being on the “cutting edge,” and strongly advises dealerships to consider Quick Check® technology.

“It’s going to generate revenue,” he says. “It’s going to pay for itself. You need to see it in action.”






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There's a reason that Hunter is the world leader in undercar service equipment, and real users are speaking out to explain why.

Unmanned Inspection

Automatic, hassle-free results

Check the most important alignment angles and edge-to-edge tire tread on every car that visits your shop, no stopping or labor required.

HawkEye Elite® Alignment

Productive, profitable wheel alignments

Four precision cameras measure each wheel using Hunter’s patented QuickGrip® adaptors.

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