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RSC Automotive on Hunter Heavy-Duty Equipment

"Their vehicle doesn't have to go to a dealership to get the same reset."


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RSC astutely made the connection between alignments and ADAS calibrations and selected Hunter equipment for this important business transformation.

Juan Bonilla, co-owner RSC Automotive in San Clemente, CA, didn’t hesitate to recognize that wheel alignments lead directly to profitable ADAS work. “We saw the need, because we were not going to be able to successfully complete accurate alignments,” since now the electronics tie into the mechanics, he says. “You can’t do one or the other without resynching the whole system.”

Bonilla originally had space concerns about performing ADAS procedures, but following a Hunter training course, he realized many calibrations could be done with a little creative thinking. RSC selected Hunter equipment to service this growing ADAS work.

The impact has been not only in sales – “They’ve gone up,” Bonilla says – but also in being able to “tap into an area we’ve never explored before.”

The effects of adding this new area go beyond financial. Bonilla says technicians enjoy the morale boost from doing sophisticated work, customers are impressed, and “We call ourselves a one-stop shop, because we are a one-stop shop.”

Hunter will continue to play a key role in RSC’s planned expansion into the building next door. Bonilla says, “Hunter equipment gives us more confidence and places our name at a higher standard.”




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